Monday, February 15, 2010

Releasing Rotten Relationships

Releasing Rotten Relationships! Don't let the title scare you! Each of us, although we do not want to openly declare it, know who that particular "rotten" relationship is! While this is a past life site, remember, "He or she who forgets the past is condemned to repeat it". So if you left unfinished business from a previous lifetime with certain individuals, that energy wave you were on, when you departed that previous lifetime, is still very much present! - And in this current lifetime, you continue to draw the same type of individual to yourself until you learn the lesson!. This simple meditation will break that pattern and allow you to progress in this present lifetime unencumbered.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Past Life Regression and "The Skeptic"

When individuals come to my office for their very first past life regression, they often have many questions and concerns.

The attached is a vintage video from perhaps 20 years ago. As I interviewed the gentleman, not only was he skeptical, but I believe he addressed every imaginable concern. -And yes, this was an actual client!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Manifestation of Your Own Personal Goals

Record your own voice –it absolutely works!

Take a deep breath, release it and relax.

Take another deep breath and as you release that breath, allow your eyes to close very gently

Draw that breath in still another time and as you release that breath, feel a wave of relaxation surrounding and encompassing your entire body, your entire being, every cell, and every fiber, totally relaxed, totally comfortable, totally at peace.

You are becoming aware of the self confidence within you.

You are creating a new positive reality.

You see positive opportunities in everything

You are confident, secure and mentally at peace.

In this very relaxed state, take another deep breath and release it.

In your mind, perceive yourself in a movie theater. It is a private movie theater. You are the only one there and you are sitting in a very comfortable chair.

The movie is about to begin. The name of the movie is called “My Future” The lights go off and the movie begins. You have written the script.
As the story now unfolds of your future, you see on the screen, the very best of possibilities. You have written into the script exactly what you would like to have occurred. You see scenes of yourself, doing, being, having and enjoying your good in overflowing measure.

You see moment after moment of the most fulfilling scenes you can produce in your mind. You see ideal relationships. You see prosperity. You see yourself confident, smiling, and loving and being loved by others.

Take a few moments now and study these scenes and be with the feelings.

Take another deep breath and release it. As these scenes continue to play through your mind, know that in experiencing it occurring in this way, you have set positive energy into motion. You intuitively know how to bring these events into reality.

Now as the plot of the movie continues, understand what you needed to do to bring these energies into your life in a way that felt good for you and to those around you.

Even as this movie continues to play in your mind, you can now make agreements with yourself to bring these events into your world.

This is your future, your life! Know that very soon you will find yourself living inside of your positive self created events. Know that this is so,—expect it!

Take another deep breath now and release it. The movie is ending happily. You have all the tools within you to succeed. Your future is bright and the powers of the Universe are with you.

Take another deep breath, release it. Allow yourself to return very gently to the present, knowing you are a self-confident winner who accomplishes all of your goals.

Draw that breath in still another time, release it and whenever you are ready, open your eyes. Wide Awake, ---Wide Awake

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuning into Another Completely!

"I have been here before, but when or how I cannot tell:I know the grass beyond the door,The sweet keen smell, the sighing sound, the lights around the shore.You have been mine before - How long ago I may not know:But just when at that swallow's soar, your neck turned so,Some veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore." - Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

This beautiful saying speaks of the soul memories of those with whom we have shared previous lifetimes. In this present lifetime, we often meet individuals who carry some of the same type of energy as those we have known before, but they are not necessarily the same person.

In our longing to be reunited with our soul mate, we try to fit them into that mold which we remember. "Why don't they feel emotionally as we do?", we ask. This link will guide you through a simple meditation, allowing you to appreciate those you meet in this present lifetime for their uniqueness and to understand their emotions more fully. Enjoy!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Permanent Weight Loss and Past Life Therapy

Many people are unaware that past life therapy is an extremely effective tool for permanent weight loss! Diets are helpful. Exercise is helpful, but past life therapy gets to the root of the problem. Unless one gets to the root of the problem, it is much like taking an aspirin for a headache when the headache is actually caused by a brain tumor. Traditional hypnotherapy merely tells the client, "You no longer have the need to eat fatty foods. From this day forward, you choose only those foods which are best for you." Wonderful advice, but it takes more.

With past life therapy, the client is first guided into a very relaxed state. Then, they are directed to go back to the very first time they judged themself to be overweight. They are then directed to recall the feelings they had about themself at that time. Did they feel loved, unloved? While they are experiencing those feelings, they are asked to carry them to another lifetime They are told the feelings will be the same although the situation may be quite different. The client in essence is returning to the root cause of their weight gain. Now, still in this relaxed state, the client can make a decision to release these non-productive patterns forever! They return to the present confident and fully able to live a happy, healthy life. Past life therapy works!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Positive Solutions from Beyond in Financially Challenging Times.

Most of you are aware that, Past Life Experiences affect us in many different ways. But here is one positive way, you probably have never considered before. It just may be the solution you are seeking.

As spirits we are all connected. Knowing this, you possess the ability to truly benefit from the experiences and the knowledge of others, who are without their physical bodies at this time. –Those who have passed into the light.

These precious souls are truly sympathetic to what is happening in our lives right now. Because they have lived numerous lifetimes before, they possess outstanding knowledge in achieving prosperity on all levels. They welcome the opportunity to share their knowledge with us. All we need to do is ask!

Different cultures have called them different names. Some are called guardian angels, some are called spirit guides, some are called masters, some call them one’s higher self, some refer to their messages as ESP.

The bottom line is, they are good souls with incredible insight, experience, a love for humanity and a sincere desire to help. Once again, all you need to do is ask!

In fact, you actually receive messages and feelings from them each and every day. Until now, you just haven’t recognized the source. With their guidance and your trust, you will be able to channel financial prosperity and peace of mind into your life.

Once you ask with an open heart, answers will come to you in many different ways. They may come as visions in your dreams. They may come as tiny voices in your head. They may come as an internal feeling urging you to make a decision.

You will know! You will act and your life will spontaneously begin to change to one of peace and prosperity!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Viewing Your Own Past Lives!

Your soul remembers every lifetime you have ever led! Try this tonight to actually see one of your previous lifetimes with your eyes wide open!

Find a tiny candle similar to the vigil light candles used in the Catholic Church. Light it and place it on your bathroom counter below the mirror.

Now turn off the bathroom light. Looking in the mirror, focus on your hairline. Next, ask either out loud or in your mind to be shown how you looked in one of your previous lifetimes.

Almost immediately you will begin to see subtle changes taking place just below your hairline. Bring your eyes down and you will notice even more facial changes taking place. This is not a past life regression. This is simply your soul fulfilling your desire to view one of your past lives.

Now, either out loud or in your mind, say, "Show me how I looked on the last day of life in that lifetime". -The transition will amaze you!

Thank your soul for letting you have this experience. Turn on the bathroom light again and blow out the candle.