Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Positive Solutions from Beyond in Financially Challenging Times.

Most of you are aware that, Past Life Experiences affect us in many different ways. But here is one positive way, you probably have never considered before. It just may be the solution you are seeking.

As spirits we are all connected. Knowing this, you possess the ability to truly benefit from the experiences and the knowledge of others, who are without their physical bodies at this time. –Those who have passed into the light.

These precious souls are truly sympathetic to what is happening in our lives right now. Because they have lived numerous lifetimes before, they possess outstanding knowledge in achieving prosperity on all levels. They welcome the opportunity to share their knowledge with us. All we need to do is ask!

Different cultures have called them different names. Some are called guardian angels, some are called spirit guides, some are called masters, some call them one’s higher self, some refer to their messages as ESP.

The bottom line is, they are good souls with incredible insight, experience, a love for humanity and a sincere desire to help. Once again, all you need to do is ask!

In fact, you actually receive messages and feelings from them each and every day. Until now, you just haven’t recognized the source. With their guidance and your trust, you will be able to channel financial prosperity and peace of mind into your life.

Once you ask with an open heart, answers will come to you in many different ways. They may come as visions in your dreams. They may come as tiny voices in your head. They may come as an internal feeling urging you to make a decision.

You will know! You will act and your life will spontaneously begin to change to one of peace and prosperity!

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