Friday, October 3, 2008

Beyond The Grave, Face to face with the Unexpected!

So many things happen at our psychic retreats that are unusual. One particular situation stands out. This occurrence took place at our retreat center in Tehachapi, California. The upstairs terrace of the retreat center overlooked a field with some large gray stones. Some of the students commented that they looked like tombstones. However to my knowledge, there had never been a graveyard there.

One particular evening we had been working with channeling energies and sending those we love who had passed over into the light. Although in reality, most of them were already there, it felt good to reaffirm it.

It was about 9:30p.m. The activities had ended and one of the students whom we shall call Dorothy was standing out on the terrace looking out over the field with a flashlight. All of a sudden, I heard her shriek. Other students ran over to see what had happened. She was standing on the terrace, holding the lit flashlight and shaking. "Look," she screamed out, "Look!" What Dorothy felt and saw was a dark force coming closer and closer to her. She felt its' presence, -and she did not know what to do. "Turn off the light," I said. "I can't," she screamed back, "I can't. It's coming closer!"

Finally, I grabbed the flashlight from her and flipped off the light. Even though she was exhausted, she breathed a sigh of relief.

What had happened? All night long we had been working with energies stating, "Go into the light. In the light, you will find peace and comfort. In the light, you will be back at home." Apparently our voices had echoed into the field, picked up by some disembodied spirit who was truly taking our message to heart. "Go into the light!" There was Dorothy, innocently holding a flashlight, looking out over the field and there was that disembodied spirit innocently trying to go home!

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